
Shared Experience, Shared Language
Agawam is a community steeped in years of tradition and experiences. With that also comes a lot of camp-specific terminology. This Agawam vocabulary cheat sheet can serve as a study guide before your visit or help you decipher your camper’s letters home.
Activity Head
AG/WAM Captain
AG/WAM Co-Captain
AG/WAM Lieutenant
Agawam Cup
Agawam Symbol
Ap's Field
Boat House
Cabin Counselor
Camp Improvement
Camper Council
Casco Days
Centerfield Rock
Fall In
Fire Keeper
Flag Raising
Forbes Field
The Four Winds
Governor Hall
Gray Shorts
Honor Band
Main Idea
Mason Hall
Meet and Greet
Midway Booth
Nelson Fields
Morning Dip
Morning Dip Rally
Rest Hour
Schmidt Courts
Sr. Club
Sr. Club Court
Sr. Club Grove
Unit Head
Annual Agawam Invitational Tennis Tournament. Tennis Tournament held at Agawam with many surrounding camps competing
American Camp Association
Person in charge of activity
Intra-camp competition that involves the whole camp. Campers are divided into 2 teams: AGs and WAMs.
Leader of the Ag team or the Wam team
Person who assists the Ag/Wam captain in lower and middle campuses
3 people from each team, in Upper Campus who assist the Ag / Wam Captain
Camp newsletter published several times a year
Weekly newsletter emailed to families
Camp car (minivan)
Weekly Sailing Regatta held at Agawam with other camps competing
Bar guards the tent on Crescent Lake
Women that work at Agawam, including female cabin staff, who participate in all aspects of cabin life but do not sleep in the cabin
One of the two teams that have intra camp competitions throughout the summer
The baseball field
Building at waterfront used for changing into bathing suits
Person who lives in a cabin with campers
Cabins are assigned a job or task during cabin clean-up as a way of giving back to Camp
Each cabin elects a boy to represent them, akin to a Student Council in a school
Local carnival held in Casco Village
The rock by the flagpole in the center of camp
Weekly campfire
Charge of Quarters – Upper Campus staff member on duty for the day
“Fall In” is yelled by Chief every morning and signals that it is time to line up by cabin in a U shape at the flagpole and be ready for flag-raising
Campers who prepare the firewood for Council
Many details of the morning program are announced here after we raise the American flag
The soccer fields in Lower Campus
Wabinoden, Shoninoden, Kitchinoden, Keewaydin — part of the lore and tradition of the Council Fire
Large recreational building next to Mason Hall
Dress shorts that should be worn for special events, Vespers, Council, Casco Day parade and other special events outside of camp (not sporting events)
Gray and maroon sash worn in Council with year camper started camp and any awards received in Ranger Trail
Building located up the hill from Mason Hall (dining hall) where the nurse lives and campers go for medical attention
Personal goal set for each camper by cabin counselors on a weekly basis
Wooden stick painted like a bird, used in a game for Council
Lower Campus. Lower part of camp where 8-, 9- and 10-year-olds live
Lower Officer of the Day – staff member on duty for the day in Lower campus
Week preceding our 7-week program for campers from Maine
Large building where the kitchen and dining room are located
(Agawam spelled backwards) — the woods behind the Middle and Upper Campus cabins
Middle Campus
Where visitors check in
Cabin mini carnival booth that each cabin prepares and runs on the Fourth of July
Middle Officer of the Day — staff member on duty for the day in Middle Campus
The two large soccer fields located at the top of the camp road
A quick swim done immediately after Reveille (optional)
When campers challenge staff to get more campers than staff to morning dip — signaled by repeated blast of all boats in horn
Bugle call blown at 7:30 am signals that it is time to wake up and get ready for the day
Quiet rest period for boys to be in their bunks after lunch
Real Maine Day
Ranger Trail — area where outdoor living skills are taught
The 1st and 2nd tennis courts
Soccer tournament held at camp on Forbes Field with several other camps competing
16-year-old counselors
The 3rd tennis court built by the Sr. Club of 1956
Seating area with log benches in front of Governor Hall
Bugle call blown at 9:00 PM signals lights out, and campers are quiet and in bed (Lower and Middle Campuses). Taps is bed bell for Upper Campus.
Upper Campus — located in the upper part of camp (behind Governor Hall)
Staff member in charge of a campus
Weekly non-denominational service held in Governor Hall every Sunday morning
Bathrooms — one located in each campus. All have showers, sinks and toilets.
One of the two teams that have intra camp competitions throughout the summer